6 Healthy Habits To Add To Your Beauty Regime

If you're looking to boost your beauty game and get that insta worthy healthy glow envied by so many, it doesn't have to mean purchasing high-end skincare and makeup products. Instead, achieve beautiful skin by simply incorporating healthy habits into your daily beauty regime.

Here are our top six healthy beauty habits to get you started:

Shimmer and shine with a good skincare routine

A good skincare routine is essential for any beauty lover and can make a world of difference to the appearance of your skin. Whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin, find products that work for you and stick to using them morning and night. This will help keep your skin looking hydrated, clear, and bright.

Start your day with a skincare routine that will nourish your skin and finish it by removing every trace of makeup, followed by a hydrating skincare regime to put your skin to sleep... It's called beauty sleep for a reason!

SPF: the non negotiable for healthy skin

If you're chasing healthy, glowing skin, applying sunscreen daily is non-negotiable whether you're headed to the beach or not. Wearing SPF 50+ broad-spectrum sunscreen will help to protect your skin from harmful UV rays and prevent premature ageing. Not to mention, it'll give you an extra confidence boost knowing your skin is looking its best.

There are some habits you can incorporate into your life that won't cost you a cent. However, they require some effort to create rituals to keep your skin on point.

An apple a day...

You are what you eat, so they say, and there's some truth to that when it comes to your skin. Eating a healthy diet rich in whole foods, antioxidants, and omega-three fatty acids will do wonders for your skin, hair, and nails. So load up on the leafy greens, healthy fats, and nuts and see the difference it makes.

Our top tip to get on the healthy eating track is kicking off your day with a smoothie jam-packed full of everything you need. From healthy fruits, protein supplements, and greens powder, starting your day with a healthy meal keeps you motivated to make healthy choices throughout the rest of the day.

H20: Every beauty guru's secret weapon

Staying hydrated is important for so many reasons, but did you know it can also help improve the appearance of your skin? When you're adequately hydrated, your skin looks plumper, smoother, and less dry. Drinking water can also help with the natural collagen production in the skin and help contain your skin elasticity. So, in summary, water is like an all-natural anti-aging supplement. So make sure you chug at least eight glasses of water throughout the day!

Get your zzz's

We all know getting a good night's sleep is important, but did you also know it's essential for maintaining healthy-looking skin? When we don't get enough sleep, it shows in dark circles and a dull complexion on our skin. It's called beauty sleep for a reason guys, so if you need to do a bit of catching up, ditch your alarm and indulge in a sleep-in every now and then. Your skin will thank you for it.

Exercise regularly

Not only is exercise good for your overall health, but it can also improve the appearance of your skin. When you exercise, you increase blood flow and the amount of oxygen and nutrients that reach your skin. This, in turn, helps to improve complexion, circulation, and collagen production – leading to healthier-looking skin. So, after you've picked your jaw up off the ground, google your closest gym, hit up your friends for regular morning walks, and change up your date night to include physical activities like bowling, golf, or bike riding.

Being intentional about why you are incorporating new habits into your life will help you be consistent with them. For example, every time you're at the gym and hating every minute of it, remind yourself why you are doing it. 

Creating healthy habits, as mentioned above, will take your overall beauty game to the next level. Think glowing, hydrated, clear skin along with a new routine that will leave you full of energy and motivated to conquer each day.


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